Hello Friends & Pride Supporters

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that we live and work on the unceded ancestral lands of the Sahtloot, Sasitla, Ieeksun and Puntledge peoples, known collectively today as the K’omoks First Nation. We honour their role and sovereignty as the past, present and future guardians of this precious land.


Welcome to our site!

We invite you to follow us on Facebook or Instagram for up-to-date news, events, resources and other items of interest to the local and wider LGBTQ2S+ community and our allies.  If you have any thoughts or questions that you’d like to share with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to hear from you! See the Contact page for links.


And if you’re interested in becoming a member of the Society, or you’re a returning member wishing to renew, please visit this page.


For the most recent AGM Agenda and Reports that were delivered at the AGM:  2024 Pride Comox Valley AGM


To view Job Postings with the Pride Society, please see this page.


*** The Pride Society of the Comox Valley is committed to creating safer spaces in which our Board, members, volunteers and the wider public engage in PSCV activities. You can see our Safe Spaces Policy here: PSCV Safe Spaces Policy



For a list of Helpful Links and Resources (currently under development), please see this page.     

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